Customer Panel: How Subcontractors are Utilizing Fieldwire

Join us for a customer panel where our subcontractor customers will share their unique experiences with Fieldwire. Learn why they chose Fieldwire, how they’ve integrated it into their workflows, and the impact it has had on their businesses. The webinar will also include an extended Q&A session, giving you the opportunity to ask questions directly to the panelists.

Join us

Wed., Feb. 12th at 9am PST/12pm EST

Meet the host

Presented by our in-house Fieldwire expert.

Pranathi Gompa

Fieldwire Customer Success Manager

Pranathi uses her expert product knowledge and construction technology experience to help clients develop and adopt advanced use cases within Fieldwire. Previously as a BIM Consultant, Pranathi helped sub-contractors optimize their workflows through technology integration.

2 000 000 + Projekte weltweit

Fieldwire hilft den größten Bauunternehmen der Welt, ihre Baustellen einfacher zu verwalten.

Elektro Scherer e.K.
Speller Metcalfe
Adams Blitzschutz Systeme GmbH
Elektro Benzmuller
Fien Bauunternehmen
Hammer Gebäude.Technik.
Holger Hilt Stuckateurmeister
HolzHaus Bonndorf
W&S Isolierungen GmbH
Steffen Elektrotechnischer Aniagenbau
Membranbau Sieber GmbH