Efficient punch list management

Run a better walkthrough process and assign work directly to the people responsible for getting things done.

Visitas de obra más productivas

Realiza controles e inspecciones de manera más eficiente. Registra las deficiencias directamente desde la obra.

Informes con un sólo clic

Genera informes en PDF automatizados y compártelos con quien necesites.

Cierres de proyecto ágiles

A medida que se tratan las deficiencias, el trabajo se documenta en la plataforma para que no se pierda ninguna información relevante.

More than 2,000,000 jobsites across the world

Graham UK
Clark Construction
Power Design
Customer Story - Encompass AV - Mark Higgason - 130x130px circle

"Probé todo tipo de herramientas de gestión de proyectos que pude encontrar, y nos quedamos con Fieldwire porque realmente nos ayudó a mejorar y a ser más eficientes".

Mark Higgason, vicepresidente de operaciones de Encompass AV

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Simplify the punch process

Complete a punch list walkthrough in minutes using the Fieldwire app. Add important details about each deficiency and dispatch information to various contractors from your mobile or tablet devices without ever needing to go back to the office.

Stay updated during site walkthroughs

As people add comments and photos to the construction punch list, notifications will automatically be triggered to your device. You can rest assured knowing that no issues have been overlooked.

Generate reports in seconds

Generate polished PDF reports in seconds. You can also set up automatic reports to keep your team up-to-date and provide everyone with a regular progress assessment.

Reach closeout faster

Authorize different users on the app to verify and mark a punch list item as complete. Fieldwire's two-step verification system allows you to complete walkthroughs faster and reach closeout smoothly with nothing falling through the cracks.

Prueba Fieldwire para crear tus listas de tareas pendientes

La mejor aplicación de tareas pendientes para obras.