Interior finish customer increases productivity using Hilti tools, software and services

Erin Coulter imageErin Coulter  •  

Arsenault Bros. is a commercial interior finish construction contractor operating in Atlantic Canada which has relied on a strong partnership with Hilti for many years to improve operations. In addition to a full fleet of Hilti tools, Arsenault relies on Hilti for help tracking their tools using ON!Track asset management software and managing their jobsites using Fieldwire.

"It's nice to have everything that you need right in your lap at all times. And real time updates. It certainly seems to be the way the future is going and we know that Hilti is on top of that and that's one of the reasons we are in a partnership with them."

Cory Arsenault, Field Supervisor, Arsenault Bros. Construction

Watch the video and learn more about how Arsenault Bros. is leveraging Hilti productivity solutions like Fieldwire.

Arsenault Bros. is just one of many construction teams that has increased their efficiency by using Fieldwire. Click here to check out all our customer stories.

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