Access as-built drawings from any device

Access, edit, and view as-builts in the field from any device and keep your construction plans up-to-date.

Właściwe rysunki

Bądź na bieżąco ze wszystkimi dokumentami powykonawczymi dzięki pełnemu zestawowi narzędzi do oznaczania, w tym zdjęć, filmów i notatek.

Łatwe przesyłanie do zespołu ds. eksploatacji

Eksportuj dokumentację powykonawczą, aby zespoły ds. eksploatacji i utrzymania zawsze wiedziały, co i jak zostało zbudowane.

as built

Wyszukiwarka historii

Zmniejszenie ryzyka dzięki szczegółowemu zapisowi wykonanych robót, z przejrzystymi informacjami o tym co i kto robił.

Ponad 2 000 000 projektów na świecie

Graham UK
Clark Construction
Power Design

"What I like about Fieldwire is that I can maintain a conformed set of drawings for the entire project, mark them up in the field as electronic as-builts, and then when the drawings change, I can upload new drawings and the markups carry over."

Nathan Howat, VP at Blue Mountain Electric

Oprogramowanie do rysunków powykonawczych

Create as-built drawings

Our blueprint app lets you redline drawings while out in the field along with any other markups that come to mind. Our markup tools include freeform lines, highlighters, clouds, arrows, and text comments, all in a variety of colors.

Automate sheet versioning

It’s critical to keep your drawings up-to-date as you insert new versions. Our construction app automatically transfers all of your Fieldwire tasks and markups to the newest sheet you upload so that your as-built drawings are always accurate.

Share drawing sets

Keep your team supplied with the latest data by managing your as built drawings within Fieldwire. Everyone added to your project can view or contribute to the as built drawing set.

Export layered PDFs

When you export your plans set as PDFs, each markup is maintained as a layer in your new as-built PDF file. This means that when you open it up in Adobe or Bluebeam, you can resize, move, or edit your drawings as you see fit. You also get to see when — and by who — each markup was created.

Maintain your as-builts with Fieldwire

Ready to manage your as-builts anywhere? Signup and start for free now